Our goal is to offer community led tools and resources to help people discover and utilize the TradeStrike platform before, during, and after it’s launch.

StrikeX Relative Price

Track how much StrikeX is worth in comparative market cap to the CMC Top 100 and see how much money your StrikeX is or could be worth.

Top 10% Wallet Tracker

See where your wallet lands in relation to the Top 10%... Check how many shares you will get of TradeStrike, what they might be worth one day... and if you aren't in the top 10%... see what it will take to get there.

Holder Stats

Get a breakdown of holder metrics, see how many wallets we have in various wealth levels. Compare & Contrast! If you want to see more data reach out on Discord.

Road To $1 Competition Tracker

Find how many entries and what your currecnt odds are for the road to $1 dollar competition.

3% Tax Tracker

The total added LP, current marketing wallet, current burn wallet.

Added LP
1,235.42 BNB
$727,540.43 USD
0.00 BNB
$0.00 USD
0.23 BNB
$134.70 USD

Supply Stats

Original Supply
Circulating Supply

Siri Shortcuts

Add this to Siri Shortcuts and use it as a widget or say "Hey Siri, StrikeX Price/Value". For more info see "Adding custom Siri Shortcuts"

StrikeX Price

Shows how much a single token is worth

StrikeX Value

Shows how much your portfolio is worth

TradeStrike Social Book

Follow each other to build our network on social media


Make your voice heard and we will do our best to advocate for what you want to see next!

Keep Me Up To Date:

We will never sell or share your data.

Awesome Strike

Resources, news, and social posts from the community for the community. When we launch you can submit your favorite Strike related resources.

TradeStrike Videos

Videos from the team and community

TradeStrike Fan Art

Fun images from our community

Percentage Increase Calculator

Do some quick maths...

Percentage Increase Calculator

Copyright 2021 theskyfloor
TradeStrike is not affiliated with TradeStrike Tools.
TradeStrike logo and other assets Copyright TradeStrike LLC 2021

Love our tools? Consider supporting our website through a donation of STRX, BNB, or BUSD.